The Andy Hays in hot pow yesterday. image: snowbrains
Squaw Valley ski patrol opened the Granite Chief zone (not the chair) yesterday for the very first time of the season yesterday.
We got about 10 laps back there and it was nothing but powder. Well, yeah, there was some hard snow, ice, and funk, but it was mostly old, sugary, recrystallized powder and damn fun.
view west from Tahoe City last night. image: snowbrains
The powder was so fun, we never stopped to take photos…
Alex even threw a backflip back there!
KT-22 and Tahoe. image: snowbrains
Too much fun.
Thanks, Patrol!
Oh, and the sunset on Lake Tahoe was unreal last night.
East shore last night. image: snowbrains
image: squaw, today
Forecast for base of Squaw. image: noaa, today
Tall Carl crushing hot pow yesterday. image: snowbrainsTahoe City last night. image: snowbrainsTahoe City last night. image: snowbrainsLake Tahoe last night. image: snowbrainsPier in Tahoe City last night. image: snowbrainsEast shore last night. image: snowbrains
Nothing I hate more from media…………..”.recrystallized powder”Really!!!!!!!!!!!! Give me a break!!!!!!!!!