Squaw Valley, CA Conditions Report: Powder, Flips, Hucks, & Obnoxious Amounts of Fun

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Squaw Valley, CA Powder Day Flips & Hucks | Nov. 27th, 2017

video showing a few of the boys getting upside and far from the ground today.

Today was my very first day of the 2017/18 winter season.

I just happened to spend it at Squaw Valley, CA.

It just happened to be an incredible powder day.

video showing what today looked like through the eyes of dangerous local ripper Aaron Fox.

The sun was out, the powder was excellent, and the local boys were going off.

I tried to keep up.

These guys are goodโ€ฆ

Moody afternoon on the Palisades and Headwall. photo: snowbrains

I canโ€™t remember a more fun first day of the season at Squaw in my 15 seasons here.

We started off the day with 2 mellow powder laps off the Gold Coast chair before things escalated quickly.

Patrol said we could hike up Mainline Pocket from the top of Gold Coast.  So we did.

The crew headed up Mainline pocket today. photo: snowbrains

Once on top, it was on.

The boys were dropping Banana, Spitter, Yikes, more.

Most of our crew did two laps on Mainline before Patrol opened the hike to Siberia Ridge.

We hiked up Sibo and watched rider after rider drop Cool Guy Rock then throw flips off the Kangaroo Kicker.

Rocks and snow atop Mainline pocket today. photo: snowbrains

It was a helluva show.

I got a little too fired up and sent a backflip way too deep and crashed and loved it.

Patrol then opened the Shirley zone and the crew headed straight to the Shirley Chutes which were rocky, rowdy, and fun.

Shirley Chutes today. photo: snowbrains

After a few laps on Shirley, patrol opened the Reverse Traverse off Siberia and the skiing down Headwall Face and Hogsback was dreamy.

Somewhere in there, patrol opened the Emigrant chair and the Funnel was delectable.

Damn near everything but Granite Chief opened on the upper mountain today.

THANK YOU Squaw Valley patrol for an fantastic day.


Squaw snow numbers. image: squaw, today


Squaw Valley base forecast. image: noaa, today


North Bowl off Headwall looking filled in today. photo: snowbrains
Tram face at 8am today. photo: snowbrains
Broken Arrow chair today. photo: snowbrains
Granite Chief and patrol tracks today. photo: snowbrains
Eagles nest on KT-22 today. photo: snowbrains
Evening jet with KT-22, Headwall, and Tram Rock today. photo: snowbrains
Edge of the Funnel today. photo: snowbrains
West side of KT-22 today. photo: snowbrains



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