Report from April 7th, 2019
Squaw Valley, CA was slushy and fun yesterday.
Groomers in the morning were supple, soft, and fast.
I got a G.N.A.R. pro-call-out from a 5-year-old…
Chute 75 off KT-22 was slushy, steep, and great.
Off-pisteย on the upper mountain were the snow was untouched was sticky.
After ripping a few very fun groomers in the morning we lapped Chute 75 again and again.
KT-22 was great all over and people were having a ball.
The morning was windy and cloudy before the wind increased to the point that they had to shut down the upper mountain lifts.
The afternoon was sunny, slushy, and fun.
Squaw has seen 675″ of snow this season and this spring is going to be epic.