Rocky Mountain Ranger Finds Body of Man Missing on Mt. Meeker, CO for a Month

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meeker, colorado, body found,
Brian Perri. Credit: Facebook

A Rocky Mountain National Park ranger has found a body believed to be that of a Fort Collins, CO man who was last heard from nearly a month ago.ย Brian Perri set out to summit Mount Meeker on June 30. He was last heard from when he snapped a picture of himself on the summit and sent it to a friend.

According to a release from the park, the body was located northwest of the summit of Mount Meeker in steep terrain Saturday afternoon. The identification won’t be official until after an autopsy is completed, but park officials believe it was 38-year-old, Brian Perri.

meeker, colorado, body found,
Mount Meeker summit. Credit: Summit Post

Rangers were notified on July 5th by Fort Collins Police that Perri had been reported missing. He had texted a friend a picture of himself from the summit of Mount Meeker on June 30th and was expected to return that day.

Rangers found Perri’s car in the parking lot at the Sandbeach Lake Trailhead that day and launched an extensive search that involved helicopters, ground searchers, and dog teams. The majority of the 22.5 square mile search area was in rugged and remote terrain with loose rock, steep ridges, and exposed cliffs.

More rangers responded late Saturday night, and an investigation is underway. The coroner’s office has not positively identified the body.

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