Swell Saturdays: The 5 Worst Big Wave Wipeouts of 2014

SwellBrains | | Post Tag for SurfSurf

How on Earth do these guys survive these wipeouts? ย I don’t get it. ย Big wave surfers nearly never drown and they take the heaviest hits of any sport. ย Imagine taking several NFL hits then be stuffed underwater for 2 minutes and be forced to swim your way to air and safety. ย That’s a Tuesday for these guys.

Which wipeout do you think deserves to win? ย Koa’s Teahupoo cruncher takes the cake for us. ย Simply vicious…

All five nominees for the 2014 Wipeout of the Year Award are presented for your review. Featuring Shawn Dollar, Alex Martins, Jamie MItchell, Alain Riou and Koa Rothman. A category in the 2014 Billabong XXL Global Big Wave Awards, coming May 2. For more info see the event website at www.BillabongXXL.com.

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One thought on “Swell Saturdays: The 5 Worst Big Wave Wipeouts of 2014

  1. i just shat myself watching that last one. i know those guys at Mavericks were wearing inflatable vests. i would assume all these guys were wearing the same. still though….

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