Travel Tips: How To Go Back to the Bay Driving home from a local resort the other day – a holiday Sunday – I felt pangs of sympathy for my fellow skiers and snowboarders in their cars. I only had a 10 minute drive home, but most of them had 3+ hours of interstate between them and their homes in SanWalnutCreekJoseMarinPalo AltoBerkeleyOaklandFrancisco. Cruel, cruel fate. I warmed myself with the knowledge that they all assuredly had multiple episodes of Serial synched to their Bluetooth-enabled Lexus, but I knew that that could only get them so far. I vowed at that moment to use my local knowledge and this media pulpit to help my fellow man and woman […] Guest Author | January 28, 2015 17 Comments
Lake Tahoe 2014/2015 Winter Outlook by SnowBrains: It’s that time of year again when skiers, and snowboarders start getting anxious wondering when it’s going to start snowing? What kind of year are we going to end up having? The start of the seasons are always exciting. There are three teleconnections that are going to be the driving mechanisms to Lake Tahoe’s winter. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO),the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO), and the development of a weak/moderate El Nino. We have been in a cold PDO since approximately 2005/2006. It is called the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, because it is a long lived El Nino like pattern poleward of 20 degrees […] Weather WeatherBrains | October 26, 2014 3 Comments