El Niño 2013 Synopsis: ENSO-neutral is favored into the Northern Hemisphere fall 2013. AUGUST 8th, 2013 UPDATE from LiveWeatherBlogs.com ENSO-neutral conditions persisted during July 2013, as reflected by near-average sea surface temperatures (SSTs) across the central and east-central equatorial Pacific and below-average SSTs in the eastern Pacific (Fig. 1). Consistent with this pattern, weekly Niño-4 and Niño-3.4 values were between -0.5° and 0°C, while Niño-3 and Niño-1+2 indices remained cooler than -0.5°C (Fig. 2). The oceanic heat content (average temperature in the upper 300m of the ocean) anomalies continued to be slightly above […] Weather LiveWeatherBlogs.com | September 11, 2013 3 Comments