Dreadful Drought You Say? Skiing Lines in May! @ Sonora Pass, CA Back in mid-May, the ski season refused to die in California despite the existence of an unprecedented drought…so the snow soldiers rolled on! The mountain highway passes (89, 4, 108, & 120) all opened in April because of the lack of snow. As a frequent ski tourer of said passes, the usual plan of attack is to get there right when they open as snow conditions generally deteriorate […] Backcountry Casey Cane | June 23, 2015 3 Comments
Triumph of Tahoe Turns @ Carson Pass, CA – 06/15/14 After one of the driest years on record and in midst of a drought…would my June turns even come to fruition? It has almost become a yearly ritual in my household. Come mid-June, to climb and ski around the Carson Pass area off of Round Top Peak at 10,381 ft and then continue up and the down the chutes of all the Sisters Peaks (10,153 ft) down to Round Top Lake[…] Backcountry Casey Cane | June 24, 2014 6 Comments
Chasing Californian Couloirs @ Kirkwood, Sonora & Tioga Pass – 04/20/14 Given the low total snowfall for the season in California, the ski season is surely going to come to an abrupt ending, yet one positive aspects are mountain passes opening early for your ski touring pleasure. Sonora Pass opened to through traffic on Friday April 18th around noon while Tioga Pass was open from the East up to the Yosemite Park gate[…] Backcountry Casey Cane | April 29, 2014 3 Comments