Tahoe Surf Session โ€“ June 10th | Photo Tour:

Matt Bansak | | Post Tag for SurfSurf


I had been eyeing Thursday in the forecast all week. Not for surfing, but for sailing. However, due to my inability to find someone crazy enough to want to sail a Hobie Tiger in 40-60mph gusts, I instead got in touch with Scott Gaffney to see if he was thinking of heading out for a surf session. Game time.

I donโ€™t surf at all, but think itโ€™s one of the coolest things to watch, so I had no problem hanging out on the beach and enjoying one of these relatively rare high wind summer days on Tahoe. The water lights up to a fluorescent blue, and you can see clear through the waves to the bottom. Itโ€™s a pretty spectacular sight.

Tahoe is blue.

At least seven other guys had shown up on the scene with their boards. There was some good talent, with 360s and nose riding and some other neatness. Some people were lucky enough to get some long rides in (by Tahoe standards). Everyone was having a great time.

The waves werenโ€™t as large as Iโ€™ve seen them on Tahoe, particularly compared to the big fall windstorms, but it seemed like they were decent for a while, and it was a great temperature to be out. Scott mentioned that the waves start to get a little rough and inconsistent when the winds shift over the lake, and it did seem like the winds had picked up and shifted.


Scott is joined by a family of loons who wanted in on the fun.
Scott is joined by a family of loons who wanted in on the fun.



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Really cute 2 month old pup.
Really cute 2 month old pup.



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Some exits are more graceful than others


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One thought on โ€œTahoe Surf Session โ€“ June 10th | Photo Tour:โ€

  1. Wow, this article changed my perspective on Tahoe. What a great place to live year round! And some incredible photography there Matt!

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