A devastating accident at the Betelberg ski area in Lenk, Switzerland, has claimed the life of a 17-year-old skier. The young woman succumbed to her injuries a week after colliding with the winch rope of a snow groomer on December 29, 2024. The accident occurred around 5:30 p.m. on a marked slope as the skier made her way toward Lenk. She collided with the winch rope, a cable used to secure snow groomers while preparing steep slopes. Although vital for slope maintenance in steep terrain, these ropes can pose significant dangers if unsuspecting skiers hit them in the dark, in poor visibility, or in deep snow.
Bystanders immediately began resuscitation efforts, and rescue services, including Rega’s first aid helicopter team, quickly arrived at the scene. Despite being airlifted straight away to a hospital with critical injuries, the young skier passed away on Friday, January 3.
The Betelberg ski area is part of Lenk, a popular ski area in the Bernese Oberland. Betelberg is known for its family-friendly slopes and picturesque alpine scenery. The resort offers around 42 kilometers (26 miles) of ski runs serviced by 11 ski lifts. The most famous resort in the Lenk area is Adelboden-Lenk, which hosts FIS World Cup events.
The cantonal police of Bern, in collaboration with the regional public prosecutor’s office of the Bernese Oberland, have launched an investigation to determine the precise circumstances of the incident. The inquiry will also examine how safety measures for winch operations can be improved. However, it is important to note that the incident occurred outside the resort’s operating hours. The tragic death highlights the dangers of skiing in the dark while grooming operations are in progress.