The Origins of Skiing? | 8,000 Years Agoโ€ฆ

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Featured ArticleFeatured Article
A Sea Sami man from Norway by Prince Roland Bonaparte in 1884
A Sea Sami man from Norway by Prince Roland Bonaparte in 1884

The exact origins of skiing are a bit murky, but one thing is clear.  Skiing was originally designed to create movement.  In ancient times, skiing was about getting from A to B on snow efficiently.  Walking in the deep snow was exhausting, snowshoes were OK, but skis were king.  The Sami people of Northern Scandinavia knew that skis were a superior form of snow transportation because their ancestors invented them and the Sami used them on a daily basis.  The Sami are widely credited with being the inventors of the ski.

Sami with crossbow and skiis. Samisk jeger med armbrรธst pรฅ ski 1674
Sami with crossbow and skis. Samisk Jeger med armbrรธst pรฅ ski 1674

The exact origin of the Sami culture is also unknown.  Historians have traced their lineage and language back to the Ural mountains, Europe, and deeper into Asia.  The Sami are even argued to be partially the โ€œEskimosโ€ that went left to Scandinavia, instead of right to Alaska and Canada.  Regardless of their origin, the Sami bloodline is distinct from Scandinavian and European bloodlines.

This picture shows two Sami (Lap) men and a woman hunting on skis. Illustration is from a book by Olaus Magnus "Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus" (History of the Nordic Peoples), published in Rome 1555.
This picture shows two Sami men and a woman hunting on skis.
The illustration is from a book by Olaus Magnus โ€œHistoria de Gentibus Septentrionalibusโ€ (History of the Nordic Peoples), published in Rome 1555.

โ€œThe genetic lineage of the Sami is unique, and may reflect an early history of geographic isolation, genetic drift, and genetic bottle-necking.โ€ โ€“ wikipedia

These โ€˜Aboriginal Europeansโ€™ followed the retreat of the last Ice Ages glaciers and spent a lot of time on ice and snow.  Perhaps more time than anyone in history. It was their massive amount of time on snow that lead them to the invention of the ski for hunting and transportation.



  • 6300 BC: The worldโ€™s oldest skis were discovered in Russia, near Lake Sindor.
  • 4000 BC: Rock carvings of a skier from this period were discovered in Norway.
  • 3300 BC: Skis from this time period were discovered in Finland. They were 180 centimeters long and 15 centimeters wide. These skis had five grooves.
  • 2700 BC: Two skis and a pole were dug out of a bog in Sweden.
  • 2500 BC: Archaeologists discovered rock drawings that depict a man on skis holding a stick. The drawings were discovered on a Norwegian island.
  • 200 BC to 200 AD: First documented reference to skiing in China.
  • The word โ€œskiโ€ comes from the Old Norse word โ€œskรญรฐ,โ€ which means split piece of firewood.
Sami skier
Sami skier hunting

โ€œThe oldest information about skiing is based on archaeological evidence. A wooden ski dating from about 6300-5000 BC was found about 1,200 km northeast of Moscow at Lake Sindor. The Kalvtrรคskskidan ski, found in Sweden dates to 3200 BC, and the Vefsn Nordland ski, found in Norway is dated to 5100 BC.  Rock drawings in Norway dated at 4000 BC[6] depict a man on skis holding a stick. A ski excavated in Greenland is dated to 1010.โ€ โ€“ Wikipedia

sami skiing
Sami skiing

We still canโ€™t be overly confident of our radio-dating techniques as there are still plenty of inaccuracies.  If the ski mentioned above is anywhere near 8,000 years old, weโ€™re impressed.  This means that people were possibly charging around on skis in about 6300 B.C.  If this is true, then skiing is by far one of the oldest sports in existence, if not the oldest.  The Sami very well may have been out skiing around in the North before the Great Pyramids of Egypt were created (pyramids thought to be created around 3200 BC).

Sami ski boots in the Arctic Museum in Norway
Sami ski boots in the Arctic Museum in Norway

From the invention of skiing in ancient times to modern skiing, there is a myriad of interactions that take place.  Skis go from the Sami to the Scandinavians, to the Alps, to the British, to ski racing being started in California and Norway.  The amount of information is daunting.  For now, we should feel satisfied that we know where skiing first took sprout and grew.  In our next installment, weโ€™ll explore how skiing morphed from being utilitarian to becoming purely recreational.

Copper etching (1767) by O.H. von Lode showing a noaidi with his meavrresgรกrri drum
Copper etching (1767) by O.H. von Lode showing a Noaidi (Sami Shaman) with his meavrresgรกrri drum

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44 thoughts on โ€œThe Origins of Skiing? | 8,000 Years Agoโ€ฆโ€

  1. This recent discovery isnโ€™t the worldโ€™s oldest ski by a long shot โ€” itโ€™s only from the Viking era. Itโ€™s not even the oldest PAIR of skis. Right now the record is a single ski carbon-dated at about 9250 years old, found in Vis, Russia by the archaeoligist Grigori Birov in 1985. The oidest pair of skis I know about is from Kalvstrassk, Sweden, carbon-dated about 5200 years old. There are also sled runners dating back 10,000 years, and anyone who can carve a sled runner can certainly carve a ski. These finds are all in the Baltic region from an era when the glaciers were still retreating. More detail here: This is condensed from a book in French, โ€œSkiing Tribes: 10,000 years of history,โ€ by Maurice Woehrle, about the European origin of skiing.

  2. There was recently older skis found that date back 1,300 years. Found in Norway. Link to article:

  3. My belief is that skiing is far older than that. Chinese cave paintings depicting skiers go back an estimated 12,000 years. I did an article on this myself and conservatively estimate humans, during the ice age, had the technology to make skis going back at least 20,000 years. It all began by bundling sticks together in order to walk easier on snow (i.e, the snowshoe). Stretch the snowshoe and make it narrower (with no loss of surface area) and snowshoes evolved into skis. Skis were critical for hunting with one added benefit โ€“ theyโ€™re a lot of fun.

  4. My ancestors are glad they are finally getting some recognition for the best sport/way of life ever. โค๏ธ

  5. I am sure Iโ€™m wrong, but i thought the Altai people in central Asia were the oldest skiing cultureโ€ฆbut then again these peoples may be related 6500 years agoโ€ฆor putting branches under your feet to get around in snow is just common sense.

  6. I wonder who the first to hoopty behind a horse or riegn deer was, way before skidoo and polaris! Shredding as a way of life. Haha

  7. Saami might be related to the altay. A lot of technology started between there and Black Sea, after Black Sea deluge. Europeans were indo- European first, then populated Europe once the ice started to retreat. Looks like horse and plant domestication, invention of metallurgy, and the chariot all came from these early indo Europeans. Problem with dating the invention by means of physical evidence is that wood rots away, and you donโ€™t need them in a desert.i figure the saami are descendants of the altay people.and that they started herding reign deer in arctic Europe as soon as the ice left over 8000 years ago.

    1. I am almost agree with Radner. studying ski research in Norway, I am from almost Chinese Altay side. We have quite old ski tradition too. Moreover, we have some way similarities with Sami in culture and belief, even language.

  8. Olin Mark IV Comps โ€“ 1972

    My first pair of skis, which โ€˜I thoughtโ€™ were the first twin-tips designed by human kind.

    Come to find out, The Sami had that shit dialed well before Christ.


    1. Iโ€™d love to come check out some artifacts. Next time Iโ€™m in Eruope, Iโ€™ll have to get over there. thanks.

  9. that dude in the red has brought down a little slough, man, and he came in from high on the slope, not using the lower traverse. cool, man. and heโ€™s cool, check the relaxed vibeโ€ฆkindaโ€™ Craig Kelly. cool, yeah.

  10. wonder if the Sami would have seen Polar Bears sliding down a hill just for the hell-ov-it.

  11. Sami is such an interesting culture. Studied them in college. Thanks for this.

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