Valdez, AK Report: Popping A Wheelie on Long Powder Spines in Sun & Shade

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Skiing Sunny Spine Nose With Air in Valdez, AK on April 8, 2023

Report from April 8, 2023

Saturday was our last day with 3 world cup skiers (Travis Ganong, Steven Nyman, Marie Gagnon) and our old buddy Jeff with Pulseline Adventure.

It was a big powder day and we headed out to a mellow spine zone that always skis like a dream.

Travis and I had skied out here the previous year.

Skiing a Dark Spine Nose with 2 Airs in Valdez, AK on April 8, 2023

We skied 4 runs in this zone and loved it.

We skied one big run off the Stephens Glacier on the way home.

They had a flight at 3pm and they just made it.

The zone. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

Whatta day!

We skied 5 of 7 days while they were hear and saw a ton of different terrain.

Thanks, Jeff!


image: valdez avalanche center, 4/8/23


image: noaa, 4/12/23


Steven Nyman. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Steven Nyman. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Steven Nyman. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Jeff & Travis. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Jeff & Travis. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Da crew. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
The zone. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Avant ski world cup stretch session. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Travis Ganong. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Run #5 was big. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
New hut above Valdez Glacier. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Travis Ganong. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

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