Valdez, AK Report: Skiing in Some of the Most Raw, Gorgeous Terrain on Earth โ€“ The Schwan Glacier

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Skiing off the Schwan Glacier in Valdez, AK on March 27,2023

Report from March 27, 2023

Day #2 of our heli-ski guiding season in Valdez, AK with Pulseline Adventure was giggly fun.

We skied off the Schwan Glacier deep in the Forest Service terrain.

This is some of the rawest, most gorgeous terrain on Earth.

Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
  • Run #1:  Big mountain skiing with some exposure in challenging wind-affected snow โ€“ long run all the way down to the glacier
  • Run #2:  Steep wall to fun, rolling glacier skiing
  • Run #3:  Same of Run #2 with variations
  • Run #4:  Roller to steep wall to crazy fun rolling terrain
  • Run #5:  Same as Run #3 with very fun variations
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

After the first run being steep and long with challenging snow, the horribly fun roller skiing a joy.

Pure joy.

The snow was better lower down and the rolling, nosey terrain was playful.


image:, 3/27/23


image: noaa, 4/1/23


Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Miles Clark skiing Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Client ripping. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Clamshell. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains
Run #1. Valdez, AK. image: snowbrains

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