VIDEO: Amtrack Plows Through Station Blasting Bystanders With Snow

Chris Wallner |

The East Coast recently got hit by a huge snow storm that dropped well over 3 feet of snow in many areas. This video shows passengers waiting at a station getting blasted by snow as an Amtrak train plows through the fresh snow. A situation like this is always a great sight to see when you’re out of the snow, but the passengers awaiting the train probably didn’t like being covered in snow.

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One thought on “VIDEO: Amtrack Plows Through Station Blasting Bystanders With Snow

  1. This is why its a very good idea to pay attention to your surrounds when you’re near train tracks. Hazards are not limited to snow; there can be debri, stuff can fall off the train, etc. Best to stay well back. Hopefully the woman in the foreground wasn’t injured. But she’s a dumb-ass for not paying attention.

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