15,781-Foot Mt. Blanc Speed Record Shattered Today!

SnowBrains |
Mont Blanc, France
Mont Blanc, France

Killian Jornet & Matheo Jacquemoud left St. Michelโ€™s church (where all Mt. Blanc summit attempts begin) in Chamonix, France at 4:46am on July 11th, 2013.  They used the winter ski mountaineers route to begin their speed ascent of 15,781-foot Mt. Blanc.

From there they ran up 12,500 vertical feet of road, trail, scree, forest, and glacier to arrive at the summit of Mt. Blanc in a mere 3 hours and 33 minutes.  These guys were climbing at 3,300 vertical feet per hour!

Killian Jornet after his successful summit record.  photo:  chamonix.net
Killian Jornet after his successful summit record. photo: chamonix.net

At the top they high-fived and started running back down the same route they came up.  Descending any mountain is the most dangerous part of a summit attempt.  Mt. Blanc is no exception.  Running down adds about a factor of 10 to that danger because you have so much momentum moving down that if you fall, youโ€™re going to fall hard and long.

Thatโ€™s just what happened to Matheo on the way down.  Matheo slipped while running across the Bosson glacier and fell into a crevasse.  The crevasse was luckily only 20 feet deep so Killian was able to assist in extracting Matheo from the shallow crevasse.  Matheo did receive a minor leg injury and was unable to continue his speed record ascent/descent.  Matheo was taken down my skier/cameraman Vivian Buchez.

โ€œOnce Matheo was safely out of the crevasse, I decided to continue on alone.โ€ โ€“ Killian Jornet/Chamonix.net

Mont Blanc as viewed from Chamonix
Mont Blanc as viewed from Chamonix

Killian lost time with this rescue but was still able to reach St. Michelโ€™s church in Chamonix in 1 hour and 24 minutes from the summit of Mt. Blanc!  

Killianโ€™s round trip time was 4 hours and 57 minutes with a vertical climb of 12,500 feet.  He beat the existing record of 5 hours and 11 minutes set by Pierre-Andrรฉ Gobet in 1990.

15,781-foot Mt. Blanc, France
15,781-foot Mt. Blanc, France


On Skis:

Matheo Jacquemoud 2013 โ€“ 5h06m
Stephane Brosse and Pierre Gignoux 2003 โ€“ 5:15

On Foot:

Kilian Jornet in 2013 โ€“ 4h57m
Pierre-Andrรฉ Gobet 1990 โ€“ 5:11


Mt. Rainierโ€™s speed record was also shattered this year on skis: Mt. Rainier, WA Speed Record on Skis

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