20 Ski Resorts CLOSED on the West Coast Due to Lack of Snow

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Dodge Ridge, CA in January 2015
Dodge Ridge, CA in January 2015

Itโ€™s been a brutal year on the West Coast for the little guys.  Smaller ski resorts donโ€™t have the funding nor snowmaking capacity to make it through warm, dry winters such as our current winter.  

These smaller ski area operators have to shut down when conditions take a turn for the worse.  Shutting down means financial loss, no cash flow, laying off nearly all the employees, and a slowing or stoppage of business in the local area.  

Western snow depths
**Currently snow water equivalent in the West Coast snowpack is dismal.  9% of average in northern Washington, 16% of average in Tahoe, CA, 10% in much or Oregonโ€ฆ

Itโ€™s no ones fault, itโ€™s just mother nature.  All we can do is keep our fingers crossed for some big March and April storms that can get these Mom and Pop ski areas up and running again.

The biggest, most well known ski resorts on this list are Mt. Baker, WA and Homewood, CA.

Mt. Baker ski area on February 3rd, 2015. photo: snowbrains
Mt. Baker ski area on February 3rd, 2015. photo: snowbrains



Homewood, CA

Mountain High, CA

Dodge Ridge, CA

China Peak, CA

Badger Pass, CA

Mt. Shasta Ski Park, CA

Mt. Baldy, CA

Tahoe Donner, CA

Donner Ski Ranch, CA

โ€“ NEVADA โ€“

Elko Snobowl, NV

Homewood, CA on January 30th, 2015.
Homewood, CA on January 30th, 2015.

โ€“ OREGON โ€“

Spout Springs, OR

Cooper Spur, OR

Willamette Pass, OR

Hoodoo, OR

Mt. Hood Ski Bowl, OR

Snoqualmie, WA on February 12th, 2015.
Snoqualmie, WA on February 12th, 2015.


Mt. Baker, WA

Alpental, WA

Mt. Spokane, WA

Snoqualmie, WA

49 Degrees North, WA

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50 thoughts on โ€œ20 Ski Resorts CLOSED on the West Coast Due to Lack of Snowโ€

  1. I wished the authors would have checked their facts a little better. Bluewood in Washington is still open for skiing and in fact has only been closed one regularly scheduled operating day all winter. One they missed closed in Washington is Mt. Spokane

  2. I am a ski patrol PD, and I understand completely; and sympathize with all of you. This is now four seasons in a row of little to no snow for our fun little resort of โ€˜Alta Sierraโ€™, which is located in the Sierras above Lake Isabella, California. We havenโ€™t been able open at all this or last season.

  3. Mission Ridge in WA state is open with the best conditions in the state!! Top to bottom snowmaking has kept Mission in good shape all season.. Come ski the best!

  4. โ€œItโ€™s no ones fault, itโ€™s just mother natureโ€ LOL. So yuo folks all walk to work, never use any coal-based energy, etc. etc. This would have been a nice opportunity to acknowledge weโ€™re all part of this.

    = J =

  5. Sucks to be out west.. Ski the east we have plenty of snow! Jay Peak in VT has one of the highest snow Totals in the US way ahead of such powder houses like Snowbird in UT..

  6. Getting tired of these Anthony Lake Open postsโ€ฆ.. Dodge Ridge pass holder- Rip it up โ€˜Lakers

    1. Well they got it fixed and on a side note blue wood is open too. How would you feel if some random article said your favorite mountain was closed inaccurately. You should probably at least try to contact a resort before putting them in some article.

  7. Whoever said Mt Ashland is closed youโ€™re wrong! We are open for now donโ€™t know what will happen tmrw thoโ€ฆ

  8. No Michal. We are just all locals enjoying our season and want others to come and enjoy it as well

  9. Do the good people of this here interweb ever say anything that hasnโ€™t been said already?
    I mean, Iโ€™m glad all you all are checking for accuracy and making certain the reports are correct โ€” but after the 3rd, 4th, 5thโ€ฆ shall I continue?.. person mentions how facts needed to be checked and that Anthony Lakes is open, you start to look like the priest that picks up the prostitute just to show people what not to do if they wanna be a good Godly human โ€” its a touch oxymoronicโ€ฆ I think the point got across, jussayin.

    1. Mt. Baker got 185 inches in february alone last year. The minute rise in earthโ€™s temperature in one year doesnโ€™t affect the snow to this magnitude.

  10. Dude! Anthony Lakes in Eastern Oregon IS OPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We got five inches of fresh last weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I spoke to my buddy who a patroller at Baker last night and he told me itโ€™s pretty grim up there. Itโ€™s true, Baker has no snow

  12. Anthony lakes is very much open with a nice 55/base. Where the hell did you guys get your info.

    1. Mt Ashland is open. Will be open Friday, Saturday, Sunday (March 13, 14, 15). Has been open for past few weeks.

  13. Anthony Lakes is operating on their regular schedule. Closed Monday thru wednesday, open Thursday thru Sunday. They have a 50 inch base. Step your fact checking game up!

  14. Uh, Anthony Lakes is not closed. Its still very much open. In fact they just did Snow Blast on Saturday.

    1. yup.. they got moisture ( rain ) around super bowl sunday and it all went away and never came back

    2. if it was closer to a city and easier/cheaper for people to get to they might still be able to have it open,there is snow up thereโ€ฆjust not much..stevens pass and crystal mountain look about the same

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