Brain Post: The Top 15 Deadliest Animals On Earth

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The reason this is a brain post is because this one actually makes you think.  Before you see the answers to this question you instantly search your brain for plausible answers.  You think of common horror movie animals like bears, wolves, tigers, sharks, and pterodactyls.

Reality is much different.  Three animals that we encounter nearly everyday are the animals that are killing us in the biggest numbers:  Mosquitos, Humans, and Dogs.  Scary, but true.  Soak this up with your mind, share with your friends, and do what you can to help:


The Top 10 Deadliest Animals on Earth

(ie these animals kill more people than any others)

Malaria cycle

#1 โ€“ Mosquitos = 725,000 people killed/year (because they infect you with Malaria)

#2 โ€“ Humans = 475,000 people killed/year  (yep, we like to kill each other, a lot)

#3 โ€“ Snakes = 50,000 people killed/year


rabies cycle#4 โ€“ Dogs = 25,000 people killed/year (via rabies)

#5 โ€“ Tsetse Fly = 10,000 people killed/year (via sleeping sickness)

#6 โ€“ Assasin Bug = 10,000 people killed/year (via changas disease)

Schistosomiasis Life Cycle

#7 โ€“ Freshwater Snails = 10,000 people killed/year (Schistosomiasis)

#8 โ€“ Ascaris Round Worm =  2,500 people killed/year

#9 โ€“ Tapeworm = 2,000 people killed/year

#10 โ€“ Crocodile = 1,000 people killed/year

hippo tries to kill man

#11 โ€“ Hippopotamus = 500 people killed/year

#12 โ€“ Lion = 100 people killed/year

#13 โ€“ Elephant = 100 people killed/year

#14 โ€“ Wolf = 10 people killed/year

Yep, more people are killed per year by Vending Machines than Sharks.

#15 โ€“ Shark = 10 people killed/year

No photo shop hereโ€ฆ

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