To be honest, I thought that once the details came out, they’d be milder than the initial reports. It’s now clear that they’re a lot uglier than intially reported.
Steve Casimiro released an extremely detailed report about the Everest fight yesterday. The details are frightening. Make sure to read his report, “As Details Emerge, Everest Conflict Looks Uglier.” We’ve pulled out the some of the stronger pieces from Steve’s report below:

– Around 35 – 85 sherpas punched, kicked, threw rocks, threatened to kill, & tried to stab professional European climbers Uli Steck, Simone Moro, & Jonathan Griffith on April 27th, 2013.
– The fight was triggered by an interaction between pro climbers and Sherpas who were fixing ropes.
– Sherpas grouped up, came to the pro climbers’ tent, and attacked some of the climbers.

1. Rock to the Head:
– “Ueli said that he was confronted by the mob and was immediately hit in the head by a fist followed by a rock to the head.“ – Chad Kellogg

2. Simone Morro Stabbed by Knife:
– “The men [Sherpas] promised that if Simone came out on his knees and begged for forgiveness he would not be hurt. Simone tried to get out of the tent on his knees when he was beaten and forced back inside.” – Chad Kellogg
– “So Simone got on his knees to ask for forgiveness and was kicked under the chin, someone tried to stab him with a pen knife, but fortunately the knife hit him in the padded belt of his backpack.” – Chad Kellogg
3. Attempted Murder with Rock to the Head:
– “Marty Schmidt recalled when I talked with him at Camp 2 that he saw a man getting ready to bring a large rock down on Simone’s head to kill him. Marty grabbed the rock and the man’s arm and shouted, “No, no violence.” For his intervention he received a rock to the head himself. Marty was still wearing the bandage on his head when I spoke with him.” – Chad Kellogg
4. Death Threats Upon Parting:
– “Eventually, the crowd of angry men dispersed. Swearing that if the three, Simone, Jonathan, and Ueli were still there in an hour they would come back and kill the three of them.” – Chad Kellogg
Again, this incident appears much uglier than originally reported. Details will continue to trickle in, I suspect. At this point, if these reports are corroborated, it’s looking like it was a very serious confrontation. Death threats, stabbing, rocks to head are unacceptable behavior anywhere.
For full details on every aspect of this incident and its history, please read Steve Casimiro’s report: “As Details Emerge, Everest Conflict Looks Uglier.”
there is a revolutionary spirit in the entire region and regarding all things. the under-class arrangement is running aground.
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So, how was Steck involved in this may-lay when Snow Brains reported he died climbing on 4/27/17?
When you don’t asked the “colored Help” you don’t get the real story. https://www.outsideonline.com/1929351/everest-brawl-sherpas-tale
It seems from all the eyewitness reports that this was just as Miles has posted – a violent attack, in overwhelming numbers, on the three climbers. Some witnesses seem reluctant to say much, for fear that any attempt to treat the incident with the seriousness it deserves would disrupt the various commercial expeditions now on the mountain. Please have a look at my article Everest, lawlessness and the expedition industry
I want to hear the Sherpa’s side of things. Why is everyone talking about the “poor, suffering elite climbers”? Those Sherpas LIVE there. They work there 12 months a year. They aren’t some ravening horde that caught the scent of blood. Those climbers did something atrocious to cause this but no one’s talking.
I don’t believe you have any knowledge of the subject. you said about 4 false things.
If you truly love these mountains respect them by not climbing them any more… This is no longer virgin territories and the industry it has become is sickening. It’s been done, written and filmed over and over. What you are reading in this article is symptomatic of a an overcrowded area of this world that can no longer substain itself… You can climb plenty other mountains and get the same thrills … your ego may suffer because its not the highest mountain on earth but it’s the right thing to do. Sir Edmund Hillary would be ashamed of what he started…. Pick up the trash, undo the ropes, remove the ladders… Go home and leave this mountain for the People of Nepal and Tibet to enjoy the way they did before Clinton Thomas Dent open his big mouth….
This sounds like just another powder day line up @ KT. Local Bro’s vs. Bay Area Weekenders…
yeah, definitely, but no one would e-v-e-r use the term: “motherfucker”; I think “asshole” is the most popular term of disrespect I hear. And race or religion never comes into the mix. So, yeah, we’re OK.
Totally incredible zoomable multi gigabyte photo of Mt Everest.
Tents & people at base camp are clearly visible. People are
seen much higher up. Enjoy