Skier Dies in Tree Well at Snoqualmie Pass Ski Resort, WA Yesterday

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A 51-year-old man has died after falling into a tree well at Snoqualmie Pass ski resort in Washington.

A tree well is a void or depression that forms around the base of a tree can and contain a mix of low hanging branches, loose snow and air.  Dangerous tree wells are normal during deep snow events.  Snoqualmie has received 23โ€ณ of new snow in the past 48 hours.

Kittias County sheriffโ€™s officials say the man was already deceased when discovered in the tree well.

The accident happened on Sunday afternoon.  Itโ€™s unknown what lead to him being trapped in the tree well.

The victimโ€™s name and hometown have not been released.

Learn about Tree Well Suffocation Safety here:

Tree Well Suffocation Safety Information:




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4 thoughts on โ€œSkier Dies in Tree Well at Snoqualmie Pass Ski Resort, WA Yesterdayโ€

  1. My friend died this way with me at Skibowl on Hood. I think these tree well deaths are underreported or dismissed as out-of-bounds violators when often they just happen in trees between runs, like this guy. People seek out deep pow, get sucked in and killed silently before they can be found..

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