Squaw Valley President & CEO Injured Skydiving Yesterday | 2 Surgeries, Currently in Hospital

SnowBrains |

50-year-old President & CEO of Squaw Valley, Andy Wirth, was skydiving alone yesterday in Lodi, CA when he had a very hard landing.  During the hard landing Andy badly injured his arm.

The arm injury must be pretty bad because Andy has already had one surgery and he is scheduled for another.  SnowBrainsโ€™ medical team has told us that an arm injury involving two surgeries in two days is serious and was likely a shattering (comminuted fracture) of the arm bones, potential an open fracture (bone sticking out of skin), with major connective tissue damage (ie tendons and ligaments torn).

Andy Wirth (foreground) skydiving at Lodi, CA.
Andy Wirth (foreground) skydiving at Lodi, CA.

Andy will be staying in the hospital during his recovery.  Andyโ€™s injury isnโ€™t life threatening, but it must a major injury

Andy Wirth got into skydiving in since moving to Tahoe via Squaw Valley athletes JT Holmes and Timy Dutton.

Andy Wirth
Andy Wirth

SnowBrains wishes Andy a speedy recovery from his arm injury.


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11 thoughts on โ€œSquaw Valley President & CEO Injured Skydiving Yesterday | 2 Surgeries, Currently in Hospitalโ€

  1. I heard from a source that his wife Karen was supposed to jump first but because the winds were gusty she did not
    andy jumped a gust caught him and pushed ihim nto a vineyard where he received serious injuries to his arm do not know which one
    There was worry that he could have lost the arm but for now that is not the case

  2. I think everyone hopes he recovers very soon. THEN his wife will box him around the ears for skyjumping at his age. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Two surgeries, one arm? Thatโ€™s bad. dislocated elbow, torn tendons, spiral fracture, arm not gonna be the same kinda injury.

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