Tahoe Turns on July 4th…possible?

Casey Cane |

During my skiing lifetime around Northern California, there have been two massive years with top to bottom lift-served skiing on July 4th. Those years were the Summer of 1995 and 2011. But what about a normal year or worse yet, a below normal year?

The Cirque – July 2nd, 2011

Bottom line for the Summer of 2013 – Head South on Hwy 88 near Carson Pass. You can make some easy turns on the legendary Patch on Forestdale Creek Road or more significant descents on Roundtop and the Sisters near Kirkwood…but last weeks’s sizzling temps mean its going fast!

For an example of coverage on a bad year, on July 4th in 2007, the ‘main’ patch was gone but the ‘left’ patch was barely skiable.

The ‘left’ Patch – July 4th, 2007

On a better year, the ‘main’ Patch is still kicking in mid August!

‘Main’ Patch – August 12th, 2006

The Big Years:

1994-95′ = Squaw kept Shirley running on weekends through the end of July. Alpine Meadows ran most lifts on July 4th.

Shirley groomer at Squaw – July 8th, 1995 (vhs capture)

2010-11′ = Squaw, Alpine Meadows, Sugar Bowl and even Kirkwood re-opened with Chair 6 lift access and endless possibilities.

A major July highlight was July 2nd, 2011 at Kirkwood. With a summer hiking policy in effect (had to load chair while carrying equipment)…we had one goal in mind…THE CIRQUE!

Kirkwood – July 2nd, 2011

Here’s a little vid I made of the day…

Chad Paeglow makes a scenic turn with Desolation Wildnerness in the background…

Chad warming up on Chair 6

Dan heads up to the top of Thimble Peak…along with a Silver Lake cameo.

Dan burning some calories

This is for you America!

Skier666 getting festive

I wonder who set up this fancy starting gate on Carnels?

Independence Day gates

Jason Metzler drops into the Cirque….in July.

Jason gathers his bearings on Carnels

Dan Ricciato decided to flash his line…

Dan loving life

After the crux, it was a nice corn couloir down into the Lower Cirque…

Dan schussing up the corn

Of course, the suncups popped out near the flatlands of the Corral…

Suncups – Hey its July!

I told you it was top to bottom skiing!

Cirque to the village!


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4 thoughts on “Tahoe Turns on July 4th…possible?

  1. Strong work. That’s a big hike up to the cirque. 4th o july beer tastes that much better after

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