A Photo Tour of the Buried Stop Signs of Lake Tahoe, CA | Tahoe About To Become Reckless, Lawless Place

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Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023

A Tour of the Buried Stop Signs of Lake Tahoe, CA on Tuesday! 

Sadly, most of if not all of these signs did not make it through the last storm cycleโ€ฆ

They are fully inundated now and Tahoe is becoming a reckless, lawless place without them.

We will be starting a Go Fund Me page shortly to address this somber situation and seek resurrection for these lost souls.

Regrettably, a Winter Storm Warning has been issued for Lake Tahoe that is forecasting 1-4 feet of snow โ„๏ธ Saturday-Monday and these hapless, good Samaritans just donโ€™t stand a chanceโ€ฆ

Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023
Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023
Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023

Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023
Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023
Lake Tahoe Stop Sign on February 28, 2023

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4 thoughts on โ€œA Photo Tour of the Buried Stop Signs of Lake Tahoe, CA | Tahoe About To Become Reckless, Lawless Placeโ€

  1. The biggest problem for the North and South Lake Tahoe area are the Bay Area residents who come up here and no nothing about snow travel and courtesy. We call them BarBars which stands for Brainless and Rude Bay Area Residents. They are just awful and should stay home.

  2. so true, ever since truckee installed round-a-bouts, the crime rate has skyrocketed. just look at the crime rates in europe. the countries without STOP sign are ran by crime cartels. maybe you could spare 5 minutes out of your time and clear off the snow from the signs instead of making stories up on social media to help out the neighborhood? iโ€™m sure locals would rather have people obeying the laws, with stop signs visible and not total LAWLESSNESS without STOP signs, SHEEESH

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