Australia is having a great couple of weeks. ย Last week, Australiaย got 6 feet of snow. ย The storms were so strongย that 2 people died in the storms at ski resorts in Oz, which wasn’t great, obviously.
They just got 44 more cms (17 inches) of snow in the past couple days and Falls Creek has a 134 cm (53 inch)ย base. ย This week, another 68 cms (25 inches)ย are forecasted.
Australian ski resorts have already gotten more snow this year, than they got all of last year. ย Kinda hard to believe. ย And it’s early. ย The season usually doesn’t really get started until late July.
The real question right now is this: ย Will Australia have a better season than South America? ย So far, so good. ย But again, it’s early. ย Can Australia’s terrain compete with South America’s? ย Honestly? ย No. ย But, terrain doesn’t mean too much if it doesn’t have snow on it.
Right now, Oz is winning the snow game. ย These photos don’t lie.
They probably stole it…