Resort in Australia Begins Snowmaking in Preparation for Upcoming 2018 Season

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Australia, snowmaking
Snowmaking, in April. Credit: Mt Buller

Mt Buller in Australia is the first ski area in the southern hemisphere to report that it has started snowmaking ahead of their 2018 ski season. Lifts are due to start turning at the first resorts in Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand in about six weeks, followed by South American resorts from mid-June.

australia, snowmaking
A fresh dusting of natural snow too. Credit: Mt Buller

Mt Buller uses an all-weather Snow Factory machine for snowmaking and also reported a dusting of natural snowfall last weekend. As is traditional, they plan to open on the Queenโ€™s Birthday (June 11th 2018) weekend which is a national holiday down under.

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