Bode Miller and Wife Forced to Take 3 of Their Kids to ER

Julia Schneemann | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Bode Miller
Bode Miller and Morgan Beck’s youngest kids Asher, Aksel and Scarlet. | Picture: Morgan Beck Instagram

Bode Miller and his wife Morgan had to suffer through a health scare about three of their children earlier this month. Two days ago Morgan posted on social media about having to take the youngest three of their kids to hospital with suspected carbon monoxide poisoning.

Morgan first detected something was wrong when Asher was complaining about an upset stomach. When she went to look at his stomach, the 3-year-old passed out. She rushed the one twin to hospital and meanwhile his twin brother Aksel started to display the same symptoms at home. Asher tested positive for carbon monoxide poisoning and subsequently the whole family was tested at the hospital. Little Scarlett also tested positive while the rest of the family got the all clear.

Twins Asher and Aksel
Bode Miller’s wife Morgan with twins Asher and Aksel | Picture: Bode Miller Instagram

The fire department checked on the house for a possible leak but it was determined that apparently the youngest three were watching a crane at their house removing a hot tub. The area apparently did not allow for sufficient air flow, resulting in the carbon monoxide poisoning for the little ones and a dramatic trip to the ER.

Thankfully the trio were released in good health, but it would have been absolutely terrifying for Morgan and Bode after having suffered the death of their daughter Emily five years ago.


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