Brain Post: North Pole Is a Melted Lake Right Now | Watch Time-Lapse Video

SnowBrains | | Post Tag for BrainsBrains

The North Pole is in bad shape. ย Right this second, the North Pole is a lake. ย July is generally the warmest month of the year at the North Pole, but this year temperatures were 1 to 3 degrees Celsius above average.

The lake you see in the video and photos is a shallow lake made up of water that has melted on the surface and pooled on top of the ice below it.

The North Pole and how it should look
The North Pole and how it should look

Arctic sea ice has be decreasing every year. ย Last summerโ€™s minimum arctic ice cover was the least ever recorded. ย This yearโ€™s maximum winter arctic ice cover was the 6th lowest recored since the 1970s.

An Azimuthal projection showing the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole. The map also shows the 75th parallel north and 60th parallel north.
An Azimuthal projection showing the Arctic Ocean and the North Pole. The map also shows the 75th parallel north and 60th parallel north.

This small lake at the north pole is a bad thing as the darker lake absorb more sunlight which in turn melts more ice and creates larger lake and contributes to the break up of arctic sea ice.

North pole lake right now
North pole lake right now

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