Brian Head, UT Fire Grows to 43,000-Acres, Largest Fire in USA | Ski Resort Makes Statement

Jake Rubnitz | Post Tag for FireFire | Post Tag for WeatherWeatherPost Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Smoke from the Brian Head Fire is spilling into Colorado (Photo: NASA)

The Human-caused wildfire burning near Brian Head, Utah has grown from just over 1000 acres on June 19th to over 43,000 acres today. 11 nearby communities have been evacuated and several roads have been closed. Utah Fire currently has 1,140 Fire Fighters on the scene and says the fire is 10% contained. They expect to fully contain the fire by July 15th if conditions are agreeable. 

This is the largest fire in the USA right now.

Statement from Brian Head Ski Resort today (Photo:

Brian Head ski resort remains unaffected by the fire, as the fire is burning North of Town and ski resort and is expected to spread further north. General Manager, Burke Wilkerson, does not anticipate any changes to the resortโ€™s summer mountain biking operations. Hopefully, the fire can be contained as soon as possible, and life can get back to normal in southern Utah.

For up to date info on the fire visit:

Map of the Fire (Photo: @UtahWildfire Twitter)

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One thought on โ€œBrian Head, UT Fire Grows to 43,000-Acres, Largest Fire in USA | Ski Resort Makes Statementโ€

  1. As a former wildland firefighter this disgusts me , This fire couldโ€™ve been contained if the forest service was not sued by the environmentalists groups ! By logging the dead bark beetle trees the risk wouldโ€™ve been mitigated . Itโ€™s disgusting to see the lost of property and taxpayer money thanks to the environmentalist groups . A spokesperson for friends of southern Utah actually said they would rather see the whole forest burned to the ground and to see a few trees logged . These wack jobs should have to pay for the damages

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