British Columbia, Canada Hut Trip Report โ€“ Day 2: Dark Pillows & Long Pow Runs on Christmas Eve

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

British Columbia Powder Pillows Skiing on December 24, 2022

Report from December 24, 2022

Storm Tree Skiing on British Columbia Hut Trip on Christmas Eve 2022

We awoke to new snow.

It dark up here this time of year so we sleep in and donโ€™t make it outta the hut until 10am when the light is finally starting to illuminate through the clouds.

We skinned up the kitchen windowโ€™s view โ€“ a ridgeline with tree skiing options.

Snow and pillows. image: snowbrains

The snow quality was dreamy.

Smooth turns through baby trees.

After too smooth baby tree runs we dropped down to the lake.

Icicles. image: snowbrains

Below the lake exist pillows.

We guessed it was likely the tide was too low for the pillows to go.

We were wrongโ€ฆ

Look up. image: snowbrains

The little pillow section was definitely funky but clearly skiable.

I dropped first and despite 2 of the bigger pillow drops to flatness and near stopage the pillows skied great.

The snow was damn near perfect.

Grinding in the snow. image: snowbrains

The skin back out from the pillows was a battle.

Low snow, downed logs, cliffs, rocks, pillows and moss kept it interesting.

Felt a bit like solving a Rubikโ€™s Cube at times.

Pillow tops. image: snowbrains

Once back at the top we went for one more run through the pillows.

On this run I took a hard fall on a flat pillow, lost a ski, and was truly humbled as I swam and crawled through the deep snow to find my lost ski and get the damn thing back on.

We, especially Greggy, were fired up and happy.

Out my window. image: snowbrains

The pillows goโ€ฆ

Maybe some of the other, bigger pillows zones go?

We climbed home tired, wet, and satisfied.

Happy campers. image: snowbrains

The nightly sauna was more intense than usual with searing temps and the occasional hallucinogenic visions.

Some rode the Spirit Horse.

Meatloaf, potatoes, and garlic bread for our 2nd group dinner of the trip.

Thanks, British Columbia!



Miles dropping pillows in BC. image: snowbrains
Jon. image: snowbrains
David. image: snowbrains
BC. image: snowbrains
Pillows. image: snowbrains
Diving board. image: snowbrains
Pillows on pillows. image: snowbrains
Happy! image: snowbrains
Tips. image: snowbrains
Lake skiing. image: snowbrains
Water hauling and tobacco quaffing. image: snowbrains
Hut life. image: snowbrains

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One thought on โ€œBritish Columbia, Canada Hut Trip Report โ€“ Day 2: Dark Pillows & Long Pow Runs on Christmas Eveโ€

  1. Looks awesome. Keep the reports coming.

    Totally unrelated to what looks to be an awesome trip, whatโ€™s up with the site? 50+ percent of the images never load or load sporadically. Itโ€™s been happening for a while, not just this post. Look into it when you get back. Cheers

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