Caltrans: 9,943โ€ฒ Tioga Pass, CA is OPEN to Pass from East

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Dana Plateau chutes on May 3rd, 2014. photo: miles clark/snowbrains
Dana Plateau chutes on May 3rd, 2014. photo: miles clark/snowbrains

Caltrans opened 9,643โ€ฒ Tioga Pass in Yosemite, CA to the pass from the east today at 10am.

The west side will remain closed at Crane Flat.  The park service is hoping to have Tioga Pass road completely open by Memorial Day Weekend (May 27-30th).

For the latest highway information please visit the Caltrans QuickMap site at or call the Road Condition Hotline at 1-800-427-ROAD (7623).

Caltrans press release about Tioga Pass opening today.
Caltrans press release about Tioga Pass opening today.


Tioga Pass forecast looking good this weekend. image: noaa, today
Tioga Pass forecast looking good this weekend. image: noaa, today


  • Tioga Pass allows easy access to some of the best spring backcountry skiing in North America.  The Dana Plateau, Ellery Bowl, Power House Chutes, Dana Couloir, Solstice Couloir, The Third Pillar, and more.
  • Tioga Pass = 9,943โ€ฒ
Tioga Pass, CA on April 21st, 2016. photo: sheila romane
Tioga Pass, CA on April 21st, 2016. photo: sheila romane
Tioga Pass, CA on April 21st, 2016. photo: sheila romane
Tioga Pass, CA on April 21st, 2016. photo: sheila romane

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