Colorado’s First Skier Triggered Avalanche of the Season Was on Loveland Pass Last Week

AvyBrains | | Post Tag for AvalancheAvalanche
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Skier triggered avalanche on Loveland Pass, CO 10/24/21. Credit: CAIC

Colorado had its first two reported avalanches of the season last week, reminding us of the dangers of early season snow and backcountry skiing.

The first took place on October 22 in the Gunnison area near Elkton, north of Crested Butte.

The second avalanche, two days later, was triggered by a skier on Loveland Pass, in Summit County.

Both slides were small.

The avalanche risk is likely to spike with a snowstorm forecasted to bring 12 to 15 inches of fresh snow.

The Colorado Avalanche Information Center warns that “high elevation northeast and easterly-facing slopes below ridgelines and upper elevation gullies” will be where the highest level of risk is present.

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