Alex Schwieger sent us this video of probably his gnarliest crash of spring 2018, in Tuckerman Ravine:
I picked a mean line right down the middle of the headwall but got hung up a few turns in. Ended up falling 600 feet, over a cliff and tomahawked 7 times. skip to 1:30 for the crash. Live by the send, die by the send! I’m very thankful to not only walk away but being able to continue skiing that day.
Pretty gnarly fall, and definitely watch to the end for another POV from his buddies at the bottom showing exactly how many times he tomahawked, and the cliff he went over. Yikes!
Glad you escapedย unhurt Alex and managed to enjoy a beer at the end!
If you have any footage, news, or just something cool or gnarly you’d like us to share, send us a message through Facebook or
Yeah, glad he hiked for 4 hours, not knowing how to ski down, and that he’s alright and able to tell everyone he slayed like a boss with his DIN set at 3 1/2, about the same as his IQ.