Every Stateโ€™s Record Snow Year According to Their Ski Areas

Brent Thomas | | Post Tag for BrainsBrains
Credit: Rocko Menzyk Photography

2023 will go down as one of the overall snowiest ski seasons ever. An incredible 18 resorts set snowfall records. But what year and at what resort holds the record for each state? See below for the answer. The list is sorted in ascending order by total snowfall. States not included are lacking records.

West Virginia โ€“ 1981

Snowshoe Ski Resort, 281 inches

Snowshoe Mountain, WV. Credit: Chris McLennan Photography

New Hampshire โ€“ 1956

Mohawk Falls, 301 inches

nordic center
Credit: mohwakfalls.com

Maine โ€“ 1996

Sugarloaf, 389 inches

Credit: Sugarloaf Mountain FB

Arizona โ€“ 1993

Arizona Snowbowl, 460 inches

snowboard powder
Credit: Arizona Snowbowl FB

Vermont โ€“ 2000

Jay Peak Resort, 465 inches

Credit: Jay Peak FB

New York โ€“ 1977

Tug Hill, 467 inches

Credit: Tug Hill Resort FB

New Mexico โ€“ 1973

Taos, 590 inches

Pow day at Taos Ski Valley. Credit: Taos Ski Valley FB

Idaho โ€“ 1949

Pomerelle Mountain Resort, 629 inches

Pomerelle resort, Idaho
Pomerelle Resort, ID. Credit: Facebook

Montana โ€“ 1954

Lost Trail Ski Area, 669 inches

lost trail
Lost Trail ski area sits the atop Continental Divide. Credit: visitbitterrootvalley.com

Wyoming โ€“ 2008

Grand Targhee, 675 inches

Face shots at Grand Targhee. Credit: Paul Lavold, courtesy of GTR Media

Nevada โ€“ 2017

Mt. Rose, 768 inches

DEEP POW at Mt. Rose. Credit: Mt. Rose FB

Oregon โ€“ 2008

Mt Hood Meadows, 792 inches

Credit: skihood.com

California โ€“ 2023

Mammoth Mountain, 893 inches

Credit: Peter Morning / Mammoth Mountain

Utah โ€“ 2023

Alta Ski Area, 903 inches

cars buried
The day Alta broke their record of 748 inches on March 25, 2023. Credit: Alta Ski Area FB

Alaska โ€“ 2001

Alyeska, 939 inches

A view at Alyeska that never gets old. Credit: Ralph Kristopher

Washington โ€“ 1999

Mt. Baker, 1,140 inches

Mt Baker holds the record for the most snow ever recorded on Earth. Credit: Brad Andrew

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4 thoughts on โ€œEvery Stateโ€™s Record Snow Year According to Their Ski Areasโ€

  1. Many of these โ€œrecordsโ€ do not adhere to the ski industry stamdards for measuring snowfall, nor do they meet WMO guidlibes for reporting snowfall, and therefore are NOT OFFICIAL or to be considered accurate.
    That being said, some are! (Ie: Baker & Alta)

  2. Many of the posted records do not meet the criteria outlined by the WMO for recording snowfall, nor do they adhere to the ski industry standard for measuring snowfall, and are therefore not official of accurate.

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