This guy falls for about 1,000 vertical feet before the rope starts to even think about being taunt and the video fades to black…
Are we intrigued? ย Very much. ย They appear to be operating with some level of confidence, so we can only assume theyโve done this before. ย Yet, it just doesnโt really seem survivable or intelligent to free fall for 1,000 feet before a rope catches you and swings you all around a bunch of cliffs? ย It looks nuts, right?

We all remember Dan Osman and his rope swing set up on El Capitan in Yosemite that eventually failed on him. ย Until it did, he was doing some of the wildest stuff on Earth including free soloing big lines.
Dan Osman and his rope swing antics in 1998
We will certainly keep an eye on these guys and let you know if we learn anything else about this rope swing. ย Itโs something that the world will demand to see.
Wow, I want to see the side view
Donโt see how heโs not gonna hit the wall
This canโt end well…