Frozen Cat Rescued from Montana Snowbank is Thawed Out and Revived

SnowBrains |
cat, rescue, montana
Fluffy needed thawing out. Credit: Animal Clinic of Kalispell

A very lucky cat in Montana is happy and healthy after thawing out, literally, at an animal clinic over the past week following a miraculous rescue, reports ABC News.

The owners of Fluffy, who live in Kalispell, Montana, in the far northwest of the state, found her unresponsive in a snow bank on Jan. 31, with her fur matted with ice. The low in nearby Whitefish was a bone-chilling 8F on Jan. 31, and they had received about 16-inches of snow for the month.

Dr. Jevon Clark, who works at the Animal Clinic of Kalispell, told ABC News when they brought Fluffy to the clinic her temperature was so low it didn’t even register on a thermometer — with a bottom range of 90 degrees. According to Clark, cats’ temperatures normally are around 101 degrees.

cat, rescue, montana
Fluffy the cat has made a full recovery. Credit: Animal Clinic of Kalispell

After about two hours of using warm water and blankets, the catโ€™s temperature was still too low, so they took her to the emergency room. After a few more hours, Fluffy finally began to show signs of recovery.

“Fluffy is amazing!” the hospital shared on Facebook.

The animal hospital shared the good news on Tuesday morning that Fluffy has made a full recovery and is back at home with her owners.

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2 thoughts on “Frozen Cat Rescued from Montana Snowbank is Thawed Out and Revived

  1. Maybe the owners will keep fluffy locked inside next time there is a snow storm. Where is the common sense at?

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