Full Moon Party @ Alpine Meadows Tonight | Ski Alpine at 7:30pm!

SnowBrains |
Full moon ski party
Full moon ski party

Alpine Meadows is having their passholders appreciation party tonight. ย They’re going to allow us to ride up the Summit chair, party on the top of the mountain, then ski down. ย Alpine rocks.

Sunset Tonight: ย 7:36pm

Moonrise Tonight: ย 7:20pm

Lunar Eclipse Tonight: ย 10:20pm

Moonrise at Lake Tahoe.
Moonrise at Lake Tahoe.


You have to register today for this event between 9am and 5:30pm and sign a release of liability at Alpine.

Moonrise/Sunset Party starts at 5:30pm until 7:30pm. ย One run only. ย Upload around 5:30pm, watch sunset and moonrise then ski down at 7:30pm.

After party with DJ, BBQ, food and drinks from 7:30pm to 9:30pm at Alpine Lodge.


Other Details:

  • 2,000 people max
  • All passholders and employees must sign a release of liability and get a sticker on their active season pass
  • Alcohol is not permittedย 

Alpine Meadows’ passholder appreciation party celebrates the season with a special experience after hours on the mountain with an after party complete with BBQ, DJ and good times!

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