7-Percent of American Men Think They Could Beat a Grizzly Bear in an Unarmed Fight

SnowBrains | Post Tag for LaughsLaughs
7% of American men think they could defeat a grizzly bear in unarmed combat. Credit: The Revenant movie

Not sure what to make of this, reallyโ€ฆ who are these people?!  Seven percent of American men reckon they would be victorious in unarmed combat with a grizzly bear.

How exactly do they think they could avoid the razor-sharp claws, the huge teeth and jaws, and the speed, strength, and agility of an 800lb wild animal? Iโ€™d pay cash money to see that fightโ€ฆ

On the other end of the scale, 24% of men surveyed think they would lose in the same unarmed fight against a rat! Whatโ€ฆ that doesnโ€™t make sense!

Seven percent of men surveyed said they could beat a lion, and nine percent could beat a gorilla or elephant in a fight. Women were more confident than the men in their ability to beat a lion.

Unless of course, the men are all descendants of Chuck Norrisโ€ฆ

Which animal do you think you could defeat? Credit: YouGov

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