Having gone on general sale on May 1st, two of Jackson Hole Mountain Resort’s season pass offerings sold out in record time, reports Buckrail.
The $1,969 Grand Pass and $1,425 Grand Bypass are marked as ‘sold out’ on the resort’s season pass website.
Buckrail reports that the Grand Bypass is popular with the locals as it offers the most days skiing at the cheapest rate. The Grand Pass, the second-most-expensive pass offered by the resort (behind the $2,429 Rendezvous Peak Pass, which comes with an Ikon Base Pass), offers unlimited skiing with zero blackouts. The Grand Bypass offers unlimited skiing but with blackouts.
The resort expects all passes to sell out. Any remaining passes will increase in price on June 1st. The resort was not prepared to say how many passes had been sold before being marked as ‘sold out,’ but did admit it was the same as last year.
The passes for 2023/24 saw around a 15% price increase over the previous season. The Rendezvous Peak Pass increased from $2,110 to $2,429, and the Grand Pass increased from $1,710 to $1,969.
For the fourth consecutive year, the resort will manage pass sales and daily capacity, and Ikon Pass and Mountain Collective Pass holders will be required to make reservations.