Jaw Dropping Winter Statistics on Donner Pass, CA

John Cunningham | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
i80 sign
The signs on I80 were absolutely buried this winter. | Image: CalTrans District 3 Facebook

This winter was a non-stop pummeling of storm after storm, one atmospheric river after another. Now that May is (almost) over, it is time to recap the numbers on the infamous I-80 in Donner Pass, CA.

Thanks to Cal-Trans District 3 for keeping the roads around the Tahoe Basin clear and safe and providing these jaw-dropping statistics on an incredible winter:

  • Total Snowfall: 730 inches (60 feet 10 inches)
  • Total Days of Snowfall: 64
  • Total Days of Chain Control: 78
  • Total Hours of Chain Control: ~900 (37.5 days)
  • Total Closures: 15

That is nearly a foot (11.4โ€) of snow that fell per day during 64 days. Can you imagine almost a foot of snow consistently falling for over two months?

To put it into a visual perspective: a bowling lane is 60 feet long. That is a ton of snow!

Here is to hoping the โ€˜23-24 season is as kind to us as this year was. Start your snow dances.

heavenly pow
The snow dances work! Now is the time to start for next season. | Image: Heavenly Mountain Facebook

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