VIDEO: Pro Skier Josh Daiek Sends Biggest Road Gap on Skis EVER | 150โ€ฒ Out, 100โ€ฒ Down

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Professional skier Josh Daiek posted an unbelievable video to his Instagram today of the biggest road gap jump EVER on a pair of skis, a massive 100-foot over HWY 50 in South Lake Tahoe, CA. 

Took two tries to ride โ€˜er out! Iโ€™ve been eyeing this gap for the last decade. With a banner year in the Sierra last season the landing finally filled in and was ready to send. The gap was roughly 150โ€™ take off to landing and over 100โ€™ vertical drop! So stoked to check this one off the list! ๐ŸŽฅ @jankyhazen@seanhaverstock @blankcollectivefilms@salomonfreeski @rylo @oakleyskiing

Be sure to click through to his Instagram for other angles, including an epic POV camera. So sickโ€ฆ

Josh starred in the recently released Salomon TV movie โ€˜Chargeโ€™, and epic edit of 4 freeskiers just charging as hard as they can!

Josh Daiek, road gap, jump
The view from the top. Credit: Josh Daiek
Josh Daiek, road gap, jump
Super scientific workings out, nothing could go wrongโ€ฆ Credit: Josh Daiek

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