Kelly Slater Just FOLDED His Entire Foot Backwards & Broke 3 Bones In His Foot

SwellBrains | | Post Tag for SurfSurf
X-ray of Kelly Slaterโ€™s broken foot. image: kelly slater

Kelly Slater just broke the shit out of his foot while free surfing between competition days at Jefferyโ€™s Bay, South Africa today.

Kelly will most likely need surgery.  Weโ€™re nearly sure that Slater has never had a real injury like this in his life.

This is terrible news as this is the 11-time world championโ€™s last year on tour at 45-year-old.

Kelly is still the best surfer on Earth in our opinion.

โ€œYou ever folded your entire foot backwards? If you try it sometime, this is what it might look like. I pulled into a barrel this morning and the whitewash as it closed out bounced the board back into my foot, taking all the pressure into the metatarsals, kinda like smashing my foot with a big hammer as hard as I can. Sorta feels like Iโ€™m giving birth out of my foot right now! Iโ€™m guessing surgery and 6 week holiday is in order. Not looking forward to 30 hour flight home before surgery though. Ouch! It sucks but so many people deal with such horrible things around this world everyday that a broken foot is pretty minor in the scheme of things. Sometimes a bad thing is a good thing. Iโ€™ll make the best of my time off. #ThatsGonnaLeaveAMark#INeedPainkillersโ€ โ€“ Kelly Slater, today

This is an even bigger bummer because Kelly was IN FORM yesterday at J-Bay and looking like he could win the event.  See videos below from yesterday:


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