The Mothership Is Cleared for Take-Off | Squaw Valley, CA to OPEN Legendary KT-22 TOMORROW

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The insane amount of snow the last couple of weeks already allowed crews at Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, CA to open Shirley Lake, Big Blue, Red Dog, Squaw Creek, Gold Coast, Funitel, Mountain Meadow, Summit Express, and, along with beginner terrain such as Baileys Beach.ย Tomorrow, we can add legendary KT-22 to that list.

A skier once told me, โ€œIf there was only one lift you could ride for the rest of your life, that would be KT.โ€

With 110″ of snow so far and a 62″ base, December has started with a bang at Squaw Valley Alpin Meadows. Last year, KT-22 opened on 8th December, but 2017/18 it didn’t open until January 27th, and in 2014 it was February 15th!

Also scheduled to open tomorrow is Sherwood Express on the Alpine Meadows backside.

kt-22, Squaw Valley, california
KT-22 yesterday. Credit: Kate Abraham / SVAM

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3 thoughts on “The Mothership Is Cleared for Take-Off | Squaw Valley, CA to OPEN Legendary KT-22 TOMORROW

  1. Skied it on opening day. Weather sucked fog & spitting snow on top of KT spitting rain at bottom. a line for 10 min at opening bell then no line the rest of the day.

  2. Slay it!!
    Dont spray it
    Oh right thats what ya do spray lords of the internet….
    Like lift lines arent already bad enough
    And not enough lifts turning cause its oversold and under delivered
    No a good product in any business

  3. This is great news. Anyone give me a call suffering from ‘huck’ neck or any other related ‘lawndart to ostrich to scorpion’ maneuvers.

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