What a Difference a Storm Makes! Satellite Images Show Lake Tahoe Before and After Last Week’s Storm

SnowBrains |
Lake Tahoe, snowpack,
Lake Tahoe, Dec 2 v Dec 20.

Last week’s huge storm that dumped feet of snow on California certainly made a visible difference to the snowpack.ย Check out these two satellite images of Lake Tahoe taken a little more than two weeks apart.

After a historic storm dumped feet of snow on California at the end of October, allowing several resorts to open early, November and the first half of December were extremely dry.

A snowy December has added a lot of snow to the Sierra snow pack and we will be adding more this week! Multiple storm systems will bring additional feet of snow to the Sierra later Tuesday through the weekend.

Posted by US National Weather Service Sacramento California onย Monday, 20 December 2021

Last week’s storm dumped over five feet of fresh snow on most ski resorts, resurrecting the season.ย And there’s even more in the forecastโ€“โ€“the next storm could dump up to 100″ on ski areas.


snowpack, NOAA, california, nevada,
Current CA/NV snowpack. Credit: NOAA
snowpack, west,
West-wide snowpack 20 days ago. Credit: NOAA

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