Large Parts of Yosemite National Park, CA, to Close in Anticipation of Flooding

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Flood watch
A flood watch is in place for Yosemite National Park. | Picture: National Weather Service Hanford Twitter Account

National Park Services โ€˜NPSโ€™ announced that Yosemite National Park, CA, will close most of Yosemite Valley from Friday, April 28, 2023, at 10:00 p.m. in anticipation of flooding. The closure is anticipated to be in place until Wednesday, May 3, 2023, but could last longer. Due to the snowmelt from the massive snowfall in the Sierra, a flood watch is in place from Thursday, April 27, 2023, to Tuesday, May 2, 2023.

While visiting Yosemite Valley with high water is a fantastic experience, Yosemite Valley closes once the Merced River at Pohono Bridge is forecast to exceed 10 feet. The Merced River will likely reach flood stage off and on from late April through early July. At the flood stage (10 feet), roads and other critical infrastructure begin flooding, making it unsafe for visitors to be in Yosemite Valley.

Areas that are affected by the closure at Yosemite National Park. | Picture: National Park Services Website

Anyone with reservations in Yosemite Valley during the closure for lodging (Curry Village, Housekeeping Camp, Yosemite Valley Lodge, and The Ahwahnee) or camping (Upper Pines, North Pines, Lower Pines, and Camp 4) will receive a full refund. Reservations for lodging and campgrounds in eastern Yosemite Valley will automatically be canceled and refunded. Wilderness permits can be rescheduled to alternate trailheads as space allows.

Visitors can access Wawona, Mariposa Grove (on foot only), Crane Flat area, Hetch Hetchy, and Western Yosemite Valley during the closure. Please note parking in Western Yosemite Valley and elsewhere in the park will be extremely limited, and visitors are urged not to park off-road.

Due to the excessive snowfalls, please anticipate for trails to open later than usual this season. Many trails will remain snowy, flooded, and/or muddy well into the summer.

Yosemite Valley
Yosemite National Park | Picture: Yosemite Facebook

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