Top 5 Deepest Snowpacks in the Pacific Northwest:

SnowBrains |

Adam รœ Tele Skiing in the Mt. Baker Ski Area Backcountry, North Cascades Washington

Mt. Baker ski area. photo: Grant Gunderson


The 5 Deepest Snow Bases in the Pacific North West


#1 โ€“ 138โ€ โ€“ Mount Baker, Washington (really, who is surprised about this one?)

#2 โ€“ 131โ€ โ€“ Timberline, Oregon

#3 โ€“ 108โ€ โ€“ Mount Bachelor, Oregon

#4 โ€“ 106โ€ โ€“ Mount Hood Meadows, Oregon

#5 โ€“ 105โ€ โ€“ Stevens Pass, Washington



Timberline, drop by in August for your summer skiing fix. photo:


While the beginning of the season was somewhat lackluster throughout the West, things are looking up. Admittedly, Washington or Oregon didnโ€™t have it nearly as rough as California, but it was still strange. Big storm totals in February helped push snowfall totals closer to normal levels. Snow totals are looking a little low for the season, but March isnโ€™t over and April can throw some curve balls. With sunny weather and higher temperatures making appearances in the forecast spring skiing season is nearly here! Hucking to slush, soft landings, and blasting corn, the fruits of spring are almost ready for harvest.

With all areas reporting snow bases over 100 inches, spring is looking good in the North West. 



Spring doesnโ€™t bad at all when everything is neon. photo:

This list was compiled by and lists snow depth at the base area


EDIT: White Pass was edited from the list, since base snow depth was being reported.

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4 thoughts on โ€œTop 5 Deepest Snowpacks in the Pacific Northwest:โ€

  1. I was at a resort once, where the base depth was zero inches. You took that one chair up, through the snowline, to some decent snow-covered terrain. And up top, there were other chairlifts.

    Using a single measurement to measure snow awesomeness doesnโ€™t quite give an accurate picture.

  2. Just an FYI, you are comparing White Passโ€™ top depth to everyone elses bottom depth. For example, if you were to do an apples-to-apples comparison, White pass has a 50โ€ณ base and Stevens has a 113โ€ณ base at the bottom. Up top White Pass has 138โ€ณ and Stevens has 155โ€ณ. I guess what Iโ€™m saying is, this is hella deceiving.

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