It was a classic Northwest storm over the past few days at Mt. Baker with a little bit of everything but most importantly, lots of snow!ย The early bird got the worm on Sunday this week with 6″ of new overnight, 16″ in the past 24 hours, and 28″ storm total. ย As long as you arrived before it warmed up, you were rewarded with lots of powder – the wet gloves could be dried during apres.
More and more of the resort is opening daily with all this new snow piling up – like Pan Face that was hardly open last season. ย With compact powder on the groomed, Baker now has 65″ at the base of Heather Meadows and 87″ at the base of Pan Dome! ย Do we even remember what this is like?
The power hounds were out with a vengeance, all chairs were spinning and the snow was deep. ย So deep that the legs will be burning all week!
No searching needed as the powder was plenty, as were the smiles…and soggy bums.ย Yes, it was a little heavy and it warmed to rain late in the afternoon but the morning was fantastic! ย More storms heading our way mid-end of this week so hopefully next weekend we can go for round two.