Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe, NV, to Host Washoe County High School Ski Championships

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Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe
Credit: Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe

Ski racers from throughout the region to compete February 21-22, 2023

Ski racing athletes from Washoe County high schools will compete in the Washoe County High School Championships at Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe February 21-22, 2023. The event brings together the top high school racers in the County to compete in a championship format, racing and slalom (SL) and giant slalom (GS).

The top 12 racers from each school, approximately 100 students, will compete in slalom events on February 21 and giant slalom competitions scheduled on February 22. All events will take place on Sunrise Bowl on the Slide Bowl side of Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe with an 11 a.m. start time on both days. Spectators can view from the bottom of the course, within walking distance of the Winters Creek Lodge parking lot.

โ€œWeโ€™re proud to be the home mountain to our local high school race teams and excited to host the Washoe County High School Championships. Events like these help foster a love for ski racing, ski culture, and winter sports among the next generation.โ€

โ€“ Mike Pierce, Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe marketing director

Awards ceremonies will occur in the Winters Creek Lodge after each dayโ€™s races.

Learn more and purchase a lift ticket or season pass at

Mt. Rose Ski Tahoe, NV trail map

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