Squaw Valley/KSL has released their latest presentation for their village expansion. This presentation highlights what the village is, why it needs to be expanded, what their plans of expansion are, and why this project will help the environment of Squaw Valley.
Squaw has stated that they will revise these plans based on community feedback, but has yet to reveal their revisions. Once they are public, we’ll certainly let you know.
Here is a sample of the Village @ Squaw Valley’s presentation:
Why Expand The Village at Squaw Valley?
1. To Create a world-class destination ski experience that better aligns the village experience with the mountain experience. More high quality lodging will bring more visitors that will stay longer
2. To develop an exciting and fun adventure center that will increase visitation to the region year round
3. To improve the environmental conditions in Olympic Valley and to mitigate any negative impacts from the Village project
4. To enhance economic, cultural, and educational opportunities in the Valley and surrounding communities
What is the Village Project Approval Process?
They don’t fill the rooms they have now. Also, they don’t plan on adding more restaurants or bars. So when they have twice as many people in the village with the same number of restaurants it’s only going to take a couple of years for the word to get out that it sucks to stay at Squaw, because the lines at the restaurants are just as long as the lines at the chair lifts.
Would KSL please elaborate upon the detailed research they’ve relied upon to determine all the benefits they write about? Please also explain the timeframe for staged construction over the next 20 years as building work, traffic etc etc will impact upon the use and enjoyment of the lodgings and the available parkng. In SLT for example unhappy neighbors are affected by building work; see http://t.co/SS1hWrnfWa. In SV, realtors are biachin about falling prices and foreclosures. Also in SV will tenanted shops and restaurants find their leases aren’t renewed in case the tenant sues for business interruption? Closed businesses means ghostville. Another issue I have is “how did KSL obtain all the detailed research” beause, unless I am mistaken, their neighbors gave data to the resorts association who, in turn, will find that data used to build the competing bars, lodging and diners.
If the rates in the extended stay condo-hotel area at the SC end are like Heavenly’s and Reno’s, KSL will shake up the north shores’ old small tired over priced and unmaintained places.
The real losers are those who wont’ pay $750 (?) for preferred parking or $40 for valet.
“Environmental Improvements”??? How does commercial construction of this magnitude improve the environment?? Tens of thousands of heavy diesel construction vehicle trips to and from the valley, not to mention the long term consumption of fossil fuels and related fossil fuel generated electricity to sustain such a monstrosity creates an enormous carbon footprint. Is the trade off in eliminating current day use skier vehicle traffic with modern emission technology equal to what the overall and long term effects will be? Maybe KSL Capital partners will purchase the carbon credits as an offset. Another shining example of marketing B.S.
Where does CEQA come into play on this project in regard to lowering fossil fuel consumption and increasing reliance on renewable sources of energy?
Believe KSL’s logic on the environmental improvements and I have a bridge for sale too.
In the spirit of Edward Abbey, this will NEVER be built… EVER !
Their vision would be correct IF the mountain was at the Lake, but it isnt. Hangin at the Village in the dusty summer is a B quality experience comared to being at the Lake, there is no water. So, they are basically saying, lets get middle class folks from Reno and Sacramento to visit our new indoor theme park (get them to spend over $200 nite and $25 to park..hmmmm) and drive away the monied folks to Sugar Bowl and elsewhere.
Their reasons for expansion is their first issue. This is about money, real estate & more money, not what they say there. If they want anyone to take this seriously they would be doing honest analysis of hot beds , explaining that to the locals and how this balance helps Squaw longterm, not just KSL now. I see a lot of condo hotels… Ask Telluride how their warm & cold beds are doing for them. Squaw has what many other resorts would love, REAL summertime activities that draw people there already. There is a lot right with Squaw right now & it should be examined and ensure it will be sustainable for generations to come, not maximizing real estate profits for investors here and now.
I’ve looked at that first night time image of the village for ten minutes and can’t figure out what part of the mountain is in the background. I think I see Red Dog but it doesn’t all fit together.
For a project that everyone has concerns about the size and scope they don’t seem too shy about making it look like a city.
I don’t get it? If you build it, they will come? Because the village was empty last winter after 8 every night. The 4 restaurants they have were never packed. Why they want to shit on a beautiful mountain?
My parents stayed in the village last spring, at times I think they were the only ones in the building, it was like the Shining.
I don’t see anywhere to park, so I’ll just stay home…