The New York Times published an article in March this year spurred by the avalanche death of heli ski guide Rob Liberman and his client Nick Dodov in Haines, Alaska on March 14th 2012. (Sadly another heli ski guide died this year in Haines, AK on March 3rd.)
The article asks the simple question: “Is living the dream worth risking it all?” It delves into the many deaths in extreme snowsports in recent years and the statistics that go along with them.
video about AK heli ski guiding filmed the season Rob Liberman was killed in an avalanche
There are some Very Heavy quotes in this article that you need to see:
“I think my son really needed to get those rushes in life. They meant a lot to him, and he felt very good about it, but I would tell you I’m sorry I ever showed him a pair of skis.” – Rob Liberman’s father
“It had nothing to do with dying, doing something you love or being willing to risk your life for something that thrills you. People think that’s admirable. But the people who think that’s admirable are not the people that were close to me, that I loved, that I left behind. We need to let people know that it is not just about you and the risk that you take, it’s about what you leave behind when you make this decision.” – Ben Clark, filmmaker of “Alaskan Way” (shown below)
There have been 24 avalanche fatalities in the USA in 2012/13.
“There has been a steady increase. There is definitely an upward trend. It’s disturbing, but it’s people’s choices. With more people come more accidents.” – Ethan Greene, the director of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center
“We know that our son Nick’s death could have been prevented had there been stricter guidelines imposed.” – the Dudov family to CA Senator Diane Feinstein.
“Nick was a young, athletic, very skilled person. It was not out of his capability to do what he was doing. But what we feel is that the regulations, what we’ve learned through this whole reading of this permit and operation and safety plan, is that the heli-ski industry imposes its own set of standards. They’re not governed or overseen by any monitoring agency. We feel that’s inappropriate.” – a lawyer
There have even been questions raised as to Alaska’s guiding regulations? Nick Dudov’s family is currently using lawyers to appeal to the government to create standards and regulations for AK heli skiing.
So, it is worth the risk? Or is there too much at risk for your loved ones? After all, it’s your loved ones that have to deal with the heartbreak, not you…
Read the full New York Times article here: Extreme Grief
It’s hard to come by educated people in this particular subject, however, you seem like you know what you’rе talking аbout!
It’s definitely worth it for the person experiencing it. But if you have family, it’s definitely not worth it for them.
^^^what she said^^^