NOAA January 2021 ENSO Update: 95% La NiƱa Will Continue Through Winter

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December 2020 sea surface temperature departure from the 1981-2010 average. The cool waters of La NiƱa are noticeable at the equator in the Pacific. Image from Data Snapshots on

This post first appeared on the ENSO blog and was written by Emily Becker

Thereā€™s a 95% chance that La NiƱa will continue through the winter and a 55% chance the tropical Pacific will transition to neutral conditions by the spring. After that, the picture is less clear. Certainly less clear than the waters of the tropical Pacific…


Speaking of, letā€™s take the temperature of the tropical Pacific Ocean. The December 2020 average sea surface temperature in our primary monitoring region, NiƱo 3.4, was 1.2Ā° Celsius (2.16Ėš Fahrenheit) cooler than the long-term (1986-2015) average, according to the ERSSTv5 dataset. This is comfortably within the La NiƱa boundary of more than 0.5Ā°C cooler than average.

The cooler-than-average wedge of La NiƱa is clear in the tropical Pacific, amidst the sea of warmer-than-average weā€™ve come to expect as the globe warms. However, this La NiƱa is a bit asymmetric, with more blue to the south of the equator and less to the north than other La NiƱa events of similar magnitudes, such as 2007 or 2010.

According to ERSSTv5, the three-month average anomaly (the Oceanic NiƱo Index) was -1.3Ā°C in Octoberā€“December. Most computer models predict that the NiƱo 3.4 sea surface temperature anomaly has reached its lowest value in our current La NiƱa event and will move back toward neutral from here. Forecasters estimate the most likely scenario for the end of this La NiƱa is a transition to neutralā€”a NiƱo 3.4 anomaly between -0.5Ā° and 0.5Ā°Cā€”during the Aprilā€“June period.


Our frequent readers will be familiar with the idea that atmosphere-ocean coupling is the hallmark of El NiƱo and La NiƱa. The atmosphere over the tropical Pacific responds to ocean surface temperature changes, creating critical feedback that reinforces the oceanic changes. For a refresher on this mechanism, check out Michelleā€™s recent post.

In a nutshell, during La NiƱa, we expect a stronger Walker circulation. The cooler-than-average east-central tropical Pacific leads to reduced convection (rising air and cloud formation) in that region, while convection over Indonesia becomes even stronger than average. The trade winds, which blow east to west at the surface, become stronger than average, allowing cooler deep water to upwell to the surface.

La NiƱa feedbacks between the ocean and atmosphere. schematic by Emily Eng and inspired by NOAA PMEL.

This winter, both the convection pattern and the near-surface winds have been performing as expected. We can definitely place a stamp on the ā€œstrengthened Walker circulationā€ page of our ENSO passport.


Speaking of expectations, what about La NiƱa impacts on global temperature and precipitation patterns? Itā€™s mostly still too early to tell, as the dominant impacts occur during northern hemisphere winter, Decemberā€“March, and we only have one month on record so far. However, we can take a peek at Decemberā€™s averages to see how things are shaping up.

The global precipitation map from December shows that the tropical Pacific was indeed drier than average, with more rain over Indonesia. These direct impacts from the stronger Walker circulation are very reliable during La NiƱa. Remote impacts, or teleconnections, via La NiƱaā€™s effects on global atmospheric circulation, are more variable. (Revisit the second half of this post for details on the probability of rain and snow impacts.) So far, southeastern Africa has had more rain than average, and the southern tier of the United States has been a bit drier. Also consistent with La NiƱa is the pattern of below-average precipitation over eastern Brazil and northern Argentina.

Decemberā€™s surface temperature map reveals that North America’s northern half was warmer than average during December, with Florida the only cooler-than-average region in North America. This is the opposite of the expected pattern during La NiƱa. The temperature map also indicates a large swath of the planet was above average, which is a telltale sign of climate change. However, winter is yet young, and we will see if La NiƱa may have more of an imprint later on. Revisit Mike Halpertā€™s recent post on the 2020ā€“21 winter outlook to read more about expectations and see maps of the U.S. winter temperature and precipitation during the strongest 20 La NiƱa events since 1950.


One expected La NiƱa impactā€”an active Atlantic hurricane seasonā€”certainly happened in 2020. As no one is eager to repeat that particular teleconnection, many are asking if we could have a second-year La NiƱa, neutral conditions, or even an El NiƱo in the fall of 2021. Overall, the answer is, ā€œitā€™s too soon to tell.ā€ ENSO usually changes phase in the spring, as predicted to do this spring, going from La NiƱa to neutral. This seasonal phase-change contributes to the spring predictability barrier, a time when climate models have a challenging time making successful forecasts many seasons in advance.

That said, currently, forecasters estimate similar probabilities of either La NiƱa or neutral for late summer and fall (around 40-45% chance) and much lower odds of El NiƱo. These lower odds are consistent with history. If we look at a graph of the eventual fate of every first-year La NiƱa (meaning, the previous winter did not feature La NiƱa), we see how rare El NiƱo is the next winter.

Monthly sea surface temperature in the NiƱo 3.4 region of the tropical Pacific for 2020 (purple line) and all other years starting from first-year La NiƱa winters since 1950. graph based on ERSSTv5 temperature data.

In our 1950-present record, a La NiƱa winter is more often followed by either neutral or weak La NiƱa conditions during the summer, with a re-development of La NiƱa the subsequent winter.

Of the 12 first-year La NiƱa events, 8 were followed by La NiƱa the next winter, 2 by neutral, and 2 by El NiƱo. Weā€™ll probably have to get through the spring predictability barrier before we can make a more confident prediction about next fall. In the meantime, you can be sure weā€™ll be closely monitoring the tropical Pacific while dreaming about swimming in it.

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