NOAA Just Said California Might See 5-10 Feet of Snow This Week…

WeatherBrains | | Post Tag for WeatherWeather
image: noaa, yesterday
image: noaa, yesterday

To stay out of trouble on this one, we’re gonna let NOAA do the talking:

Precipitation is coming Wednesday…and Thursday-Friday…and the weekend…and…well, you get the point. Northern California will be soggy the next several days, and in particular its mountains, where 5 to 10 inches of rain (or liquid equivalent snow) could fall over the next week!” – NOAA Sacramento, CA today

5-10 of liquid equivalent snow would equal 5-10 feet of snow…

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10 thoughts on “NOAA Just Said California Might See 5-10 Feet of Snow This Week…

  1. The important point here is that California is much needed getting moisture. Valley rain/mountain snow. I am very thankful for any & all rain/snow that we get.

    1. Yea they said 5 to 10 liquid equivilent of snow is 5 to 10 of snow.. Not right… Bullshitting, its the same as saying 1 cup of rice is the same as 1 cup of rice with out cooking or water.

        1. Nope. The standard is one inch rain equates to 10 inches of snow. I love in the Sierra so, been there, lived that…

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